Thursday, 9 October 2008


It's a fun time to be here just before the election.

I must buy some Obama trickets - some great T shirts and a very fun bag whereby 20 per cent goes to the campaign. Whatever happens, it is an historic moment and I feel I should engage.

Two strange observations today about the grand Ol US of A.

I can't find a shop that sells newspapers.

Yup. True. I can find chemists that sell magazines, small annoying vending machines which I never have the right change for, Starbucks which sells a couple of things but...where or where can I buy a newspaper. Do they not have newsagents? Newstands? This needs further investigation.

Second point today. When you go into a shop to try things on -they looked at me like I was MAD when I said pointedly - I HAVE THREE THINGS.

"Yeah - whatever - go right in..."

But thinking she may be deaf and separating the things I tried again. "Three - three things..".

She turned, pushed me into a changing room and slammed the door.

Being British is not helping today.

We may speak the same language, but I am definitely an Englishman in New York. Sort of.

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