Saturday, 2 April 2022

 Spring Time for Sneezy


“Aaaachoo” bellowed Sneezy.

She loved to tickle noses.

Wide noses.

Hairy noses.

Squashy ones.

Pinchy ones.

Sneezy was bored of colds, coughs and grey WINTER.

It was Spring.

Sneezy flew to see Bumble Bee.

“Can I help with your work?” she asked watching Bee carefully and daintily gather pollen from a flower onto her feet.

“No – you’re far too loud and clumsy” said Bee before landing inside a different bud.

Sneezy felt her cheeks go red.

She went to visit Squirrel instead.

“Hello Squirrel. Can I help you find your buried Winter stash of nuts?”

“No thank you, Sneezy. You need a nose and paws like me to dig them up.”

“Someone must need me,” she sighed.

A chorus of voices travelled on the wind.

Dandelions need your help to spread our silvery puffy seeds far and wide.

One, two, three!


Sneezy had a new job for Spring.

150 words