Sunday, 17 July 2011

Mama Mia Marketing

I have never ever been subjugated to the kind inane marketing crap as I get here.

But this week amused me greatly. The local church sent me a "Welcome to the Neighbourhood" and an invite to go meet and greet. Not to mention the usual marketing pitch for god. They did a pretty good job actually.

In same batch, an advert for botox written in the same vein as one would sell a sandwhich...check this out:

The botox advert:
In a city brimming with backroom dealing and polarizing politics, it's important to not let too much get under your skin. Especially stress. Unfortunately, when you're surrounded by overachievers in your 9-to-never job, the daily grind can start to show on your face. Smooth things over with today's Ruff deal: Pay $150 and get up to 20 units of Botox from Ruff Plastic Surgery -- a $300 value. Headed by award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Ruff, this West End practice has years of experience smoothing fine lines and wrinkles with this nonsurgical treatment. Available on most parts of the body, Botox doses relax stretched skin to promote a healthier, more vibrant appearance. It can be hard to keep your composure in the city that never sleeps (-in past 6 a.m.), but with today's 50%-off deal, you can certainly keep your complexion.

I ask you...seriously???

Monday, 4 July 2011

Nearly 12 weeks in....

So far I've learnt to say elevator, not lift, side walk not pavement, still have trouble with pants and purses - trousers and handbags..a calender is not a diary entry, to be 'pinged' is nothing sexual = it means to email or skype or text...not everyone gets my British humour and trying to find a decent news channel - impossible!