Sunday 21 December 2008

Boob crunch?

I may be feeling really sad and bad but some things do still amuse me greatly.

Like the fact that the credit crunch has affected the amount of plastic surgery people are having.

"More recently, a quarterly earnings statement from Mentor Corporation, a breast implant manufacturer, reported that the number of breast implants sold in the United States decreased 5 percent during the three months ending Sept. 26 over the same period last year. In the last month, two manufacturers of cosmetic medical devices have closed."

Can you imagine that - being layed off from a breast implant factory. There must be a lot of gags in that.

Bye bye big fake boobs in the credit crunch.

1 comment:

Gorilla Bananas said...

Things have got so desperate that 130,000 inflatable boobs were recently stolen. It's a tit famine, I tell you.